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Node Operations

This section discusses how to listen to and intercept node operations, while also introducing ways to programmatically manipulate nodes.

Subscribe to Node Operations

We can subscribe to user operations on the mind map by listening to operation events. It's as simple as listening to DOM events:

mind.bus.addListener('operation', (operation) => {
// return {
// name: action name,
// obj: target object
// }

// name: [insertSibling|addChild|removeNode|beginEdit|finishEdit]
// obj: target

// name: moveNode
// obj: {from:target1,to:target2}

mind.bus.addListener('selectNode', (node) => {

mind.bus.addListener('expandNode', (node) => {
console.log('expandNode: ', node)

The most commonly used event is the operation event, which encompasses all node operations.

Node Operation Guards

As the name suggests, node operation guards can intercept the behavior of a specific node operation.

In the configuration, set the before object, where the property names correspond to node operations, and the values are functions returning a boolean (or a boolean wrapped in a Promise).

let mind = new MindElixir({
// ...
before: {
insertSibling(el, obj) {
console.log(el, obj)
if (this.currentNode.nodeObj.parent.root) {
return false
return true
async addChild(el, obj) {
await sleep()
if (this.currentNode.nodeObj.parent.root) {
return false
return true

With async in operation guards, we can intercept cases where asynchronous information is needed to decide whether to proceed.

Programmatic Node Operations

Mind Elixir provides an API for directly manipulating nodes:

insertSibling: (
this: MindElixirInstance,
type: 'before' | 'after',
el?: Topic | undefined,
node?: NodeObj | undefined
) => Promise<void>
insertParent: (
this: MindElixirInstance,
el?: Topic | undefined,
node?: NodeObj | undefined
) => Promise<void>
addChild: (
this: MindElixirInstance,
el?: Topic | undefined,
node?: NodeObj | undefined
) => Promise<void>
copyNode: (this: MindElixirInstance, node: Topic, to: Topic) => Promise<void>
copyNodes: (this: MindElixirInstance, tpcs: Topic[], to: Topic) =>
moveUpNode: (this: MindElixirInstance, el?: Topic | undefined) =>
moveDownNode: (this: MindElixirInstance, el?: Topic | undefined) =>
removeNode: (this: MindElixirInstance, el?: Topic | undefined) =>
removeNodes: (this: MindElixirInstance, tpcs: Topic[]) => Promise<void>
moveNodeIn: (this: MindElixirInstance, from: Topic[], to: Topic) =>
moveNodeBefore: (this: MindElixirInstance, from: Topic[], to: Topic) =>
moveNodeAfter: (this: MindElixirInstance, from: Topic[], to: Topic) =>

For example, using insertSibling, if we want to add a sibling node to the node with the id d6e5f69edb6336c3, we can do the following:


MindElixir.E is a method to obtain the DOM object of a node by its id. Many APIs in Mind Elixir use Topic as the type for DOM objects, and you can use the E function to get them.